Expand Your Awareness
The Enneagram is a catalyst for development at the individual, team, and organizational levels. It adds deep insight to organizational values, engagement, change management, organizational culture, team development and organizational coherence.
The bridge between where you are now and where you want to go is personal
development. The Enneagram is one of the best development tools that exists.
This developmental map helps us to know ourselves more and accept others
perspectives that differ from our own.
Gain insight into your personal motivations and strengths
Develop deeper awareness of potential blindspots and fears, that might be holding you back
Align and leverage your own unique leadership style
Learn practical tools for helpful behavior change
Identify team strengths and challenges
Identify opportunities for improved team dynamics, team cohesion and team performance
Ways to Explore the Enneagram
A 23 page report detailing your core enneagram type, subtype strengths, blindspots, unconscious motivations and reflections and actions to foster and deepen your development.
Click here to take the assessment and reach out for a 90 min deep dive with Alchemy if you would like to deepen your understanding.
This report includes everything that the personal report does along with 18 more pages of insight, specifically how your core type expresses itself in areas of leadership including communication style, feedback, strategic visioning, decision making and more.
Our experience is that the Integrative Enneagram is the most accurate and in-depth of any of the Enneagram assessments. This detailed report is full of golden nuggets of insight.
Take here on your own and then schedule a 90 min deep to better understand your type’s influence on how you lead and engage with those around you,
Build more cohesive, innovative teams with Enneagram workshops and coaching. Once each member of your team completes the assessment then one of Alchemy’s coaches can run a team report and facilitate a workshop or off-site retreat with your team.
The team report provides an in-depth and expansive look at the leader’s type and offers insights into how the team can engage in ways that optimize efficiency, innovation and collaboration.
Contact us to explore an Enneagram off-site for your team, tailored to your desired outcomes.